Obituary Information
As a convenience to you and all families we serve, we are happy to submit funeral notices and obituary data to any newspapers that you may choose. There are several things you should know about how these notices are handled by our local papers.
The “Obituary” in most of our local daily and weekly papers are run for a fee by the newspaper. You can choose the day or days the obituary will be run. Most obituaries include the names of immediate survivors with a city of residence, which include; spouse, children, sisters, brothers, parents and grandparents. Grand and great grandchildren can be listed by name, however, are typically listed by number only. A pre-deceased spouse can also be listed. The information that is unique to a person and the highlights of one’s life is what makes the obituary interesting.
The obituary should appear word for word as you have written it. The papers charge per line and the cost per line varies with each paper. The charges are passed on to you at the actual cost billed to us and the exact cost can only be determined after submission to the paper.
Paid notices can be in any paper of your choice. Should you wish this information to appear in any area we do not normally use, do not hesitate to ask if we can get it placed for you, most of the time we are able to do so.